Can we all just be on an even keel?

Can we all be on an even keel? I'm not so sure. I decided to write this Blog to better deal with my feelings, about issues important to me, our country, society and the U.S. political machines that are inevitably taking away any rights we "the people" may still have. What will be next...our right to our last rite? Sorry a little play on words. Sometimes I just can't help myself. I hope that this Blog turns out to be humorous to someone besides myself in the end. ~D

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Islamic Mosque.... Ohhh, My!

I have been patient listening to the issues surrounding the mosque issue in NYC and I can tell you I've had about enough of the blitz on the issue. I don't how you feel but I am sure that I feel if we continue to keep elevating these issues to the level that they are we will have a much larger internal war than we have right now. I am not religious. I don't care how you worship just don't shove your "god" down my throat because I'm not listening anymore. Picture me with my fingers in my ears singing la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la .... Blah-de-blah, blah ... because that's what it sounds like now (laugh now because you know you pictured it and it's funny). Is it me or are we becoming so tired of listening to it that we can't hear it anymore?

That seems to be where we're going lately. We're so inundated by an issue that we speak out because we are offended by a situation but no one listens. So we speak louder and still we cannot get any attention. Then in outrage because it so totally pisses us off, we yell as loud as we can hoping to be heard. But because we are just a soft whisper in the loud roar of the media, no one will listen to what WE (the people) want anymore. Finally, defeated, we just shut down. We don't have the media attention to cover our outrage unless their "network" is going to get something from it. After all, there's no story of the people. The State Department isn't spending money on us (the people) or sponsoring our visit to foreign countries with no specific purpose, except to backhandedly legitimize (or try to justify) the presidential endorsement of an Islam mosque being built so close to ground zero. The President isn't listening to our wants or needs even though we continue to scream at the tops of our lungs. As we rage against the machine, only the machine is winning.

We're being broken down by the system, people! A system that only cares about making us a socialist country so they can be in charge of everything in our life. They've got their noses in the people's life, health, money and probably someday our death (all while we're screaming and beating our chest that we're not ready to go anywhere). Remember, the best way to quell the masses is to pretend you agree with them and distract them while you're accomplishing what you set out to do. I only ask you to keep this in mind in any battle that you decide to fight in life. Whether it's about the mosque in NYC, the doctor who's going to provide your care, an issue with your significant other (or spouse) on down to who's buying your lunch.

The first two rules I learned in my business career are CYA (cover your ass) and there's no such thing as a free lunch. I tell this to associates that are coming into the business world and I reinforce it with anyone I know, whenever I can. Keep it in mind. It applies in life as well. The next time someone offers you something for nothing (rule 2) always know that nothing good will come from it and if there's any doubt about the outcome refer to rule number 1, CYA.

To wrap this up, when I started writing tonight this isn't what I anticipated writing but it comes from the heart. I really wanted to write about a story that someone sent me today. My Dear friend "G" from Florida sent me a story by email about this man named Greg Gutfield that is planning to build a gay bar next to the proposed Islamic mosque in NYC and that he is going to cater his bar to Islamic gay men. I thought it was a great story and then wondered if it was true and guess what it is! Hallelujah, praise Allah! You have just got to love the irony of it! You know you're chuckling. So am I. With that I am passing it along to you because I just think it's the best idea ever, aside from maybe opening an authentic Texas Barbecue that only serves the best pork ever as the anchor restaurant for the building. I know you're chuckling again.
So am I.

When I talked to "G" last night after a long time with no communication, she told me how much she likes reading my blogs. Her friends, sister and some of their friends are also reading. So while they're not officially following me on this site, it's nice to know that they're reading and enjoying it. It spurs me on to continue this writing journey. So, I will continue writing and hopefully, you will read.

Thanks for tuning in until next time...

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