Can we all just be on an even keel?

Can we all be on an even keel? I'm not so sure. I decided to write this Blog to better deal with my feelings, about issues important to me, our country, society and the U.S. political machines that are inevitably taking away any rights we "the people" may still have. What will be next...our right to our last rite? Sorry a little play on words. Sometimes I just can't help myself. I hope that this Blog turns out to be humorous to someone besides myself in the end. ~D

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Infant-Toddler - icide - Why?

I have been following a story closely this week, especially because it's happened before. In Orangeburg, SC less than 100 miles from where Susan Smith drowned her children in October 1994. I follow all of the kid stories religiously (murdered, missing, beaten). It's like an addiction for me. I'm not sure why. I guess I just find it unbelievable that a mother could abuse or kill a defenseless child. It tells me that these mothers have no conscience. If they could kill their own children then they can kill anyone, including you and me, without conscience.

Briefly, in the Orangeburg case, for those that haven't heard about it (I'm not sure how you didn't), the mother orchestrated a pretty complex "get away with murder" plot. From paying money to stay in a hotel and rent a car to getting it into the water with her already deceased children in it. She asphyxiated them long before they ever made it to the water and then walked away to "get help" to the farthest location possible, without a drop of water on herself. These children were completely defenseless. One just over a year old and one just under 3 years old. The 1 year old child never knew what happened. The 2 year old fought like hell as supported by the evidence, all because his 29 year old "mom" (and I use that word loosely) who clearly didn't want to accept any responsibility for the children she made, fought with her mother about the care she was providing to the two boys. It should be noted that this "mom" also has a 10 year old daughter that lives with her grandmother. What a waste. She should have just killed herself instead. Now that wouldn't be a waste in my mind. This "mom" should have to suffer the same fate as her children and even that would be too kind.

For those that are interested here is the story:

There was a case not long ago here in Austin of a little boy (Julian, 5) who was found less than a mile from his apartment complex. For the longest time APD didn't make an arrest only to finally arrest the caretaker (Ms. Turner), the girlfriend of Julian's father. Again, I say let the mother suffer the same death as her children. Regardless that this wasn't Julian's mother, Ms. Turner had accepted that role when she "hooked-up" with Julian's father. For you unbeliever's here is the link to that story:

And finally this week, I heard about a flight attendant on Southwest Airlines who took a one year old away from its mother after "mom" slapped her one year old child in the face after the child kicked her. After the flight ended, the child was returned to the parents. Why? Unfortunately, we have become a society of "I don't want to get involved". Does anyone beside me believe its insanity to think that a one year old would benefit in anyway by being slapped in the face? If this mother did this in public on a plane is there any doubt that she would do worse in the privacy of her own home? What are we going to do as a society when in 5 years something much more serious happens to this child because "mom" couldn't control herself? I've got an idea! Let's put "mom" in a public venue and let everyone that was on that flight slap her in the face so that she can experience the public abuse and humiliation her child did. Extreme, I know but giving her back the child isn't a great approach either. My only satisfaction is that I do think she's experiencing a bit of abuse and humiliation already due to the media coverage surrounding the incident. Check it out here if you're so inclined:

So did "moms" really all get that crazy and selfish or is it just media blitz? I don't know the answer to that but I will still follow all of these types of stories. I can only hope that someday we really will be a country of an eye-for-an-eye most especially when it comes to murder or abuse of a child. I don't think any of America's criminals learn anything from our current "justice" system except for how to get-off or get a free ride at the taxpayer's expense. That's why we have so many lifers and repeat offenders. This subject will be reserved for a later blog.

So what do we do? How do we stop insanity? There's no answer but if you're as passionate as I am about the issue then speak up. Maybe that will at least reduce the insanity.

That's all for now folks, until I write again...